Wednesday, August 22, 2012

10 internship mistakes you should avoid

10 internship mistakes you should avoid

Internship experience is one of the most important foundation for a successful career. In this article we are discussing 10 internship mistakes that you should avoid. The professional environment is very different from university - it is very important that you have an understanding and aware of some this and avoid few common mistakes that interns normally make. Following are tips on how to avoid the 10 internship mistakes and make the most out of this internship experience.
(1) Not setting the Expectations
Setting the expectations about the internship: both the employers and yours. Use this time to at the beginning of your Internship and ask lots of questions. You are not expected to know what is going on right away, but the faster you learn the ups and down of daily life on the job, the better off you'll be.
(3) Not taking regular performance feedback
If you are not taking regular performance feedback during your internship - you are missing valuable feedback to correct yourself midway of the internship. Meet regularly with your supervisor to ensure that both of your expectations are being met. First impressions are very important and are as important as maintaining good ones. It is important for you to dress, speak, write, and generally behave like a professional. Shake hands, make eye contact, smile, and be friendly and confident. Remember the first impression that you create on the first day of your internship will be long lasting in the mid of your supervisor.
You have to be a good observer and you must be observant and ask questions frequently about appropriate behavior at the work place. Different organizations have different expectations regarding employee behavior and it is important that you learn about and conform to the corporate culture. This can include issues such as appropriate clothing, demeanor with customers, personal phone calls, and where to park your car. If you aren't sure ask first. When in doubt, err on the conservative side.
(6) Not focusing on communication skills
When on internship you have to focus on your communication skills, both written and verbal. Proofread your written work carefully. When communicating with your coworkers choose respectful, tactful, and professional language at all times.
Being punctual is one of the most expected quality that supervisors look for from interns. You have to show up to work on time, when you are expected. Call if you are going to be sick or late. Don't be sick or late often. Choose your sick days with care; it will be noticed if you are not at work on important days.
(8) Not maintaining good relationship with Your Co-workers
Have you established good relationships with your coworkers during your summer training? Are you friendly, polite, helpful, and sensitive. It's good to talk with your coworkers and get to know them but beware of gossiping and complaining. Be careful about bringing personal business to work, and be sure that what you do discuss is fit for public consumption.
(9) Losing your calm and composure
Never lose you calm and composure. There may be days when work stress is more but you have to keep you cool. Be easy to work with. Accept assignments without complaint, ask for more work when assignments are completed, and turn out good quality work. Listen carefully to instructions and ask for clarification. Learn to work as a team; be respectful of input from other team members and practice the art of compromising.
You have worked hard and have done good work in your summer internship. Now why you should not take a recommendation letter . When you leave, be sure to ask your supervisor for a letter of recommendation and keep in touch so that you can call upon him/her later when you are in need of a reference.

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